Cargo Delivery
in Azerbaijan

Moving large pieces of furniture, equipment,
or tools? Yango Delivery’s service partners
in Azerbaijan can help lighten the load.
It’s as easy as ordering a normal delivery!
We have the right truck for your order
170x100x90 cm
up to 300 kg
up to 300 kg
380x180x180 cm
up to 1400 kg
up to 1400 kg
How to place an order
Go to the Yango app
Enter a pickup address and destination
Choose a truck size
Add the loader
service (optional)
Click "Order"
A driver will arrive within 15 minutes

Request a loader to help you load
your items onto the truck and carry
them up to your floor on arrival

your delivery
in real time
Both the sender and recipient can see the driver’s
location in the Yango app

How much does cargo delivery cost in Baku and Azerbaijan?
Prices are calculated individually for each order, depending on distance, demand, truck size, loading/
unloading services, weather, and road conditions.
Yango Delivery’s service partners can help transport personal items, furniture, and equipment, as well as bulky goods and other items, making your home or office relocation a breeze.